

Securing the wow factor for Wow Hydrate
Wow Hydrate is one of the world’s leading providers of high-quality, performance-nurturing sports waters. And almost since the very beginning of their business journey, they’ve trusted our founder with protecting their core brand assets. And not just within the UK either, but throughout Europe and the United States as well.
When Wow Hydrate first came to Kevin, they needed more than just legal advice. They needed high-quality, expert advice from someone who had the knowledge and experience to cover multiple continents.
For years now, Kevin has been supporting Wow Hydrate by helping them securely navigate their way through the often complex, densely crowded food and drinks market. Wow Hydrate have followed Kevin throughout his career and now trust Panoramix to manage their valuable brand and patent assets.
Safe in the knowledge their assets are free from infringement and counterfeits, the team at Wow Hydrate have been able to rapidly accelerate their business’s growth across the globe.
We still file new trademark applications for Wow Hydrate and proactively monitor their brand portfolio, dealing with issues as and when they arise. This partnership approach continues to flourish as their business continues to grow and thrive.

Best-in-class expertise for a best-in-class business
As a global provider of industry-leading gym design and equipment, Escape Fitness knew the importance of protecting their innovations well before they came to us. They needed efficiency and responsiveness, and a team of experts who were capable of handling every aspect of their business’s intellectual property. From start to finish, they wanted to know things were being taken care of to help support the growth of their business.
Our unique, personable approach allowed us to quickly gain a clear understanding of what Escape Fitness needed from their intellectual property strategy. Their equipment was better and more functional than anything their competitors were producing. In order to protect against potential infringements, our first recommendation was to rationalise their patent portfolio.
Once we had done this, we were able to turn our attention to other matters such as reducing the amount Escape Fitness were spending on protecting their intellectual property. This is an ongoing process as we flex and adapt to Escape Fitness’ growth and strategy, but so far, we’ve managed to reduce their costs by over fifty per cent.
With more resources to play with, Escape Fitness have been able to reinvest greater amounts of money into product development, furthering their position as an industry leader. We continue to work with them, proactively looking at ways we can support their business growth. A relatively recent development has involved Kevin taking on the position of outsourced in-house counsel to oversee and support on all legal matters for the business both in the UK and US.

Giving licensing agreements a new lease of life
The best, most effective intellectual property strategies are the ones that consider all aspects of a business’s overarching strategy – and from multiple viewpoints. When a ‘wearable device technology’ client came to us seeking support with their licencing agreements we supported them in seeing the bigger picture. Their agreements didn’t align with their commercial strategy, so we worked with them to bring everything together.
Working in partnership, we got to know the nuances of our client’s business objectives, as well as their individual needs and requirements. So when it came to drawing up their agreements, we knew exactly which steps to take. We provided the client with an updated, fully comprehensive suite of agreements – including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) agreements, End-user license agreements, privacy policies, and website terms and conditions. All whilst keeping the process transparent, simple and easy to understand.
We also negotiated bespoke contracts with large corporate and governmental entities on the client’s behalf, providing them with new business opportunities.
As a result of our support, our client has been able to focus on their core business activities, secure in the knowledge that their legal and regulatory requirements are being met.

Freedom to operate for a medical tech business, granted
Recently, we supported a specialist augmented reality medical technology business to establish ‘freedom to operate’, as part of an innovation grant application. The client needed to be sure, and be able to prove, that their technology didn’t infringe on any other patents that already existed in their area of expertise. This was a key part of the grant’s criteria, and it required a time efficient response.
Working against a tight deadline, we assessed multiple patents across a variety of sectors to make sure we had all our client’s options covered. Our extensive expertise, intimate knowledge of the client’s industry and solutions-focused approach allowed us to arrive at the right answers – and quickly.
As a result, we provided the client with a comprehensive ‘freedom to operate’ opinion they could submit alongside their grant application. The opinion detailed a complete breakdown of the patents in the client’s field and identified any potential infringement risks – clearly and simply. It was instrumental in being able to convince the grant provider to support the project.

We’re proud to be partnered with LawBite, amongst other leading law firms. They trust us to provide their clients with high-quality, expert intellectual property advice. And we do, every time.